Banner with my brand name Camileon CG

A photo of me

About me

| Photographer | Content Creator | Crafter |

Hello guys, gals, and pals! My name is Camileon, but you all can call me Cami. I'm an easy-going person who just wants to leave the world better than I found it. I enjoy making people smile and try my best to make the world a little brighter. I love to take photos, stream on Twitch, and make fun pixel art using fuse beads!

Currently, I'm in school earning an Associate of Arts Degree in Design and Media Studies with a focus on communications, graphic design, and photography! I hope to work in the gaming industry either in content creation and marketing or influencer management and relations. If that doesn't happen, I would love to try and become a full-time photographer.

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Madoka Cosplayer
My Work
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My Pizza Thief Cosplay
My Cosplays
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Kirby Fuse Bead Art
My Crafts